CBD Gummies vs CBD Oil

The difference between CBD gummies and CBD oil can get very subtle, but it’s important to know which product is the right one for you. We’re going to go over the biggest differences between these two ways of enjoying CBD.

One of them will likely be better for helping you with pain, sleeplessness, and other conditions with CBD. 

CBD Gummies vs. CBD Oil

CBD Gummies

These CBD edibles are, essentially, fruit flavored candies that also contain CBD. There are some unique advantages and disadvantages that come with using CBD gummies over CBD oil. It all comes down to the fact that CBD gummies are very easy to manage. 

The biggest advantage of CBD gummies comes with the fact that you don’t have to worry about any particular dosing or sublingual absorption. Your CBD gummies will have an individual dose automatically inside each gummy and all you need to do is enjoy one like you would any other piece of candy.

This can be a great option for people who are new to CBD and want to take some of the pressure off when it comes to figuring out the right dose. Then again, this doesn’t make it harder to lower the dosage because cutting a CBD gummy and half doesn’t necessarily change the dose as reliably as you can with CBD oil.

CBD gummies are also very discreet. Many people who use CBD for health benefits and personal enjoyment still want to keep a level of discretion. CBD gummies look like any other fruit-flavored candy gummy.

This means that you can enjoy your CBD products with a level of privacy that’s hard to do with CBD oil. Putting a few drops of oil underneath your tongue is an odd behavior that might draw some attention. Enjoying a gummy candy is fairly common and will likely not draw any attention to your use of CBD products.

There are a few drawbacks to CBD companies that we should highlight. The biggest of these comes with the fact that CBD gummies are often much more expensive than CBD oil.

The cost of CBD gummies is usually a lot higher than CBD oil. The same equivalent mg of CBD isolate happens to cost more in gummy form than it does in oil. This is because of the extra labor that goes into transforming a CBD extract into a candy.

This means that you might wind up spending a lot more money to get the right dose of CBD infused gummies rather than oil. This might not be a big issue for people who are first starting out and use in smaller doses, if you’re using larger doses of CBD, oil might be the way to go.

We also need to consider that CBD gummies are essentially a type of candy. This might not fit with every diet as well as every health condition. These gummies tend to contain a lot of sugar as well as artificial colors and flavorings which can complicate the health benefits that CBD brings. 

CBD Gummies vs. CBD Oil

CBD Oil 

CBD oil has many advantages over other CBD products. CBD oil affects the body much quicker than CBD gummies. CBD oil can also be mixed with food products, used topically on the skin, and can even be made at home. 

CBD oil affects the body much more quickly than CBD gummies. This is because CBD oil is typically absorbed sublingually. This is done by applying drops of CBD oil beneath the tongue and then holding that for 30 to 60 seconds.

This allows the CBD oil to pass directly into the bloodstream through the tissues at the bottom of the tongue. This is much faster than ingesting a CBD edible and waiting for it to digest.

One of the biggest advantages of CBD oil is that you’re also able to just ingest it if you’re looking for a slower release. You can mix a few drops of CBD oil in with a smoothie or something as simple as a glass of water to slow the release of this beneficial cannabinoid.

One thing to consider with CBD oil is that you need to be careful about which oil you pick as a carrier for the CBD. Some individuals can be allergic to particular types of oil and this means knowing the specific type of oil your brand of CBD uses as a career. 

The Health Benefits of CBD

There are people who use CBD for a variety of health benefits. You can find CBD gummies for pain and CBD gummies for sleep in addition to other health benefits. CBD has become a popular option for taking the edge off of medical conditions, but does it work? 

Before we take a look at the specific health benefits of CBD oil, we should look at the benefits of CBD overall from a scientific perspective. Research into the benefits of CBD is still ongoing, but there was promising research that suggests that CBD has a positive impact on pain relief, anxiety, and anti-inflammatory properties.

This means that there’s a growing basis of research that shows us how CBD can help relieve health problems. How CBD fits into treatment plans and how much CBD you need to treat a specific condition is still being researched, but plenty of people are finding relief using this cannabinoid.

One of the best-established features of CBD is its anti-inflammatory qualities. CBD has been shown to reduce inflammation in patients recovering from surgeries to other causes of inflammation. This means that CBD can become a viable option for people who are looking to lower their inflammation which can have a myriad of health benefits.

There’s also research that suggests that CBD can be used to help treat epilepsy. This is one of the more exploring areas and the research seems very promising.

One of the most highly advertised areas of CBD’s benefits is how it can help relieve anxiety. CBD interacts with the same neurological system that THC interacts with. This is one potential explanation for why CBD is so useful when it comes to relieving general anxiety.

CBD has also been used to help individuals manage withdrawal symptoms. There has been research that suggests that CBD can be used to help make withdrawal safer and more successful. CBD is non-habit forming and non-intoxicating which makes it an ideal treatment for individuals who are recovering from substance use disorder.

The last area of CBD benefits that we should touch on is the potential pain relief benefits. It’s well-documented that THC has a strong benefit as a pain relief treatment. CBD likely shares some of this benefit even though its impact might be less dramatic than THC has.

CBD gummies and CBD oil can offer you the same health benefits. At the end of the day, it’s still CBD that you’re getting into your system and it’s going to have the same health benefits whether you use CBD oil sublingually or you use CBD gummies orally. 

CBD Gummies vs. CBD Oil: Which Is Better?

CBD edibles and CBD oil have different uses. They might both be CBD products, but they are going to have different ways they can be used. The biggest factors that determine which is better are how long it takes for the CBD effect to start, is it discrete, and how beginner-friendly it is. 

CBD oil wins this first category hands down. CBD oil is able to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream which makes it affect the body much more quickly than CBD edibles. CBD edibles have to be digested which can take somewhere between 30 minutes to up to a few hours depending on a variety of factors.

On the other hand, CBD gummies are much more discrete. You could easily enjoy CBD gummies without having to worry about people asking questions or being suspicious about your activities. This has plenty of advantages for people who are looking to use CBD gummies to relieve anxiety or pain, but they don’t want people prying into their personal, medical business.

CBD gummies are also more beginner-friendly. They’re very easy to use and they’re also very easy to dose. While the doses might be smaller than some people need, they are a great first stop for people looking to see if CBD is right for them.

So, are CBD gummies better than CBD oil? It really all depends on your personal needs.

If you’re looking for something that’s fast-acting and allows you to have a higher CBD dose, CBD oil has the right pick for you. CBD oil is also going to be more affordable in the long run which is another thing to consider.

If you’re looking for something that’s beginner-friendly as well as discreet, CBD gummies are the way to go. These might be more expensive in the long run, but they are simpler to use for people who are new to CBD. 

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